to 2nd May 2016
Example of Abstract Format – link
Abstracts will be printed in the Congress Book of Abstracts.
Please, note that the Organizer will not provide any editing of the abstracts.
Instructions for Poster Preparation
All posters will be displayed for the whole duration of the Congress.
We can not guarantee for the Posters left on boards after Congress.
Each poster will have assigned a display board (90 cm wide and 150 cm high).
Presenters are asked to attend their posters during the poster exhibition and
discussion times that will be included in the final Program of the Congress.
Call for Poster Abstracts
The Organising Committee invites abstracts of posters, no more than 300 words (in English language only), to be submitted by 2ndMay 2016.
Upload Abstract in doc, docx or rtf format